Selinsgrove Area Business
Trick or Treat Day
Saturday, October 23, 2021
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
SACC will print flyers and a poster listing your business, street address, and your free one-line ad that will be disseminated in town and on social media.
You must sign up by October 13, 2021 to guarantee your business' inclusion in the flyer and poster.
This event will be actively promoted by Selinsgrove Area Chamber of Commerce, Selinsgrove Farmers’ Market, and Selinsgrove Projects, Inc.
You will get a window sign and copies of the flyer by October 18th.
Contact Denise Moy at 570-490-1749 or if you have questions or concerns. Return the bottom portion of this form via e-mail to or print and complete it for Denise to pick up.