Selinsgrove Area Business

Trick or Treat Day

Saturday, October 23, 2021

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM 

  • SACC will print flyers and a poster listing your business, street address, and your free one-line ad that will be disseminated in town and on social media.

  • You must sign up by October 13, 2021 to guarantee your business' inclusion in the flyer and poster.

  • This event will be actively promoted by Selinsgrove Area Chamber of Commerce, Selinsgrove Farmers’ Market, and Selinsgrove Projects, Inc.

  • You will get a window sign and copies of the flyer by October 18th.

  • Contact Denise Moy at 570-490-1749 or if you have questions or concerns.  Return the bottom portion of this form via e-mail to or print and complete it for Denise to pick up.